Saturday, April 16, 2011

Indivisible Individuality.

                           There was a very huge and royal palace. There were so many slaves in the palace. But their master had gone out once for something. 
                            Unfortunately, he had been out for such a long time that slaves completely forgotten, that there was a master. Now, whenever someone passes by the palace...and it is such a beautiful palace that everyone wants to enquire   to whom it belongs. So any slave who happens to be on the door says" It belongs to me. I am the master". 
                           But another time, the same person passes by ; someone else is on the door , and he asks, " To whom does this palace belongs?" The slave on the door that time answers "It belongs to me. I am the master".
                         So the whole city is confused,"Who is the master?". Everyone says "I am the master"- every slave.
                         Man is just like a palace where there are so many slaves but the master - "self"; has gone out. Such is the condition of man. Every slave..every thought that passes by you becomes master for certain duration. Again some other thought attacks & conquers and becomes master! The real master is either asleep or gone for a long journey and has not come back and it has been so long...
                         This whole is totally 'crowd'... crowd of thoughts and nothing else. Thoughts are just like the waves on ocean. These waves are not the ocean as they come and die. The real, authentic ocean is still, very stable with not even a single disturbance. It is below these waves. So the "self" is not the is something more resourceful! 
                         Everyone calls himself as 'individual'! But meaning of this word-individual is 'indivisible'..very integrated!! But we exist in divisions. We are just a divided crowd and to unify it purification of mind is needed..

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Magic of Life.

                           A lot of research has been done on the “body”-human body, animal body, plant body. The body has two states. It is just like matter and energy, two states of same things! They are- vital body and physical body.
                           Now consider example of plants. The plant has two states of body-vital and physical. In case of their vital body, always some energy current is flowing.It is open and not closed or isolated.  It has been proved that, the plant is more alive sometimes and sometimes it is less. Nowadays even scientists have agreed that, if someone who love the plant is in their vicinity then they are more happy, more alive. This is because there is a flow..flow of energy..flow of love..flow of being! This flow is both sided as it is not mechanical!!!
                          When a gardener comes in the gardener, the whole garden is happy. This is not a poetry only, but now this can be detected with the machines also. The change in the plant can be detected nowadays.  Suppose you love the flower and you are near it , then you are not the same are something more. You become deeply related in a communion.
                          Similarly human body has also this vital state that can be purified,enriched with “sadhana”,austerity, pranayama. Many times we fill more energetic or more fulfilled, happy with a particular person. Even we do not discuss with that person physically, outwardly, his intimacy is more soothing for us. This is because of this flow of being,flow love! Sometimes even dead master or even certain place, the bodhi tree can also help. This is Satsanga Buddhist have tried to save “bodhi-vriksha” for more than twenty five centuries.  This is not just a superstition. That tree is not just a memorial. There are some subtle reasons behind it. That tree has absorbed something from Buddha. And noe the real buddhist  feel those vibrations in the vicinity of this tree.
          So make your vital body more pure…more clean…by breathing techniques, pranayama, sadhana or other and  feel the real bliss of life!!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Be conscious.

                            Many of the philosophers and masters used to talk about the consciousness of human mind! Consciousness in itself is nothing. One is conscious "about" something; so this about is important. Such consciousness is objective. We are conscious of something and if there is nothing then we are in sleep,coma. So this so called consciousness is nothing but the disturbance, tension! Something comes in front of you and you just awake due to that wave of disturbance. Once that wave goes away, again we are in sleep. 
                            Such object-oriented consciousness is lame. It will make you dumb in the absence of "anything". Gurdjieff used to say that man has no soul. He used to say that you have got no self, because self means self consciousness; otherwise, how can you be said to have a self? He says " try to remember yourself without any object, without any relation. Remember yourself as yourself, directly, simply!" 
                             Is that possible for us to remember ourselves without any relation with anyone, without any identity, without any name,address? Can we simply feel ourselves? Can you remember yourself? 
                             Is that possible? Really difficult! This clearly proves that ours kind of consciousness is lame. So one should become aware of oneself without being related to anything,anyone, without any identity! Try to feel directly yourself without any intermediate!!! That demands a lot of honest "Sadhana" and once it is possible, you are have known "yourself", the ultimate truth!