Sunday, May 29, 2011

GOD at the center of everything.

                      As everyone knows and listens everyday that everyone of us has to die some day. Thus it is but obvious that life originates in something and again dissolves into something. So life comes from 'something'. Thus there must be something which is bigger than life. This 'something' is beyond life.
                       Thus original source of life must be beyond life. It just comes out of it and just goes back, just as the wave raises itself and then falls down into the ocean. Here also ocean remains beyond the waves. Wave is the momentary disturbance. It comes and dies. But the ocean remains unaffected.
                         Same is for the life. Life is just a wave. Existence is beyond life. Existence is always there, very steady, calm, unaffected. It gives rise to many lives but itself always remains the same, constant. So the one who begins to too involved, attached with life, looses existential source of life. Life is just a periphery. existence is the center.
                           We have called this existence GOD. Saying that GOD exists is wrong. In fact GOD is existence. Man exists, trees exist or may not. But GOD cannot be conceived as not existing.  GOD is existence, GOD is 'IS-NESS". GOD means "IS"! That IS-NESS is beyond the life.
                           Life is just the wave on this ocean of IS-NESS. Waves are different outside the ocean. Some are higher, taller while some are not. Some die earlier while few lasts longer. But IN the ocean they are same..just water.
                           Same is here. All we are simply same with centers of ours coinciding at the one and only EXISTENCE i.e. GOD!
                            So this oneness between all is to be understood though it is very delicate to understand!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Pleasure and Pain !

                        Pleasure and pain, these two things have completely surrounded the human life. Everyone experiences both of these things. Pleasure, happiness is what everyone needs. One always runs behind happiness.
                       But is it possible to eliminate the pains from pleasure? Is such isolation possible? Unfortunate for many, but the answer is firm no. These two are the poles of same phenomenon. It is just like positive and negative poles of electricity. North and south pole of a magnet cannot be isolated. This is same game. You cannot run away from pains, sufferings. No, you have to accept them!
                        In fact, being happy or sad for anything, is whole about your mind. It is just the projection of the mind. One can be happy in certain situation while, at the same time, other may not. So what is this miracle, magic? This is the magic of mind.
                        Such feelings are not the qualities of a person, situation. If they were, then everyone would have same feelings for the same. So here comes the role of mind. All these feelings, happiness or sorrow, are just the projection of one's mind towards the particular situation or person.
                         A person falls in love. Is it because the face, he is loving is beautiful? In fact it is because, the mind of person projects, pours the beauty to the face. So same person can be both, soothing or annoying to different people. This projection changes from time to time. The person to whom you say"I cannot live without you", may become the obstruction in your life after some incident. So that person is same, just your projection, interpretation varies.
                          So you are the master. You can handle the situation. If you decide to be happy in very difficult situation, you can be. This complete game is controlled by you then. Just projection is to be changed. For this, transcend the things which is possible only after becoming one , after completely dissolving in the situation. So become one with everything and simultaneously don't get attached to anything!      

Friday, May 13, 2011

Being Oneself.

To be oneself is the greatest achievement that can ever a human being have.Somewhere there lies some basic mistake in our total approach towards life where achieving something is promoted as the goal of life.I wonder why there should be some achievement or some goal in our life?Cannot we remain happy as we are?
There was a man, who took retirement at the age of 80, from the politics. He struggled a lot but couldn't be any minister. He had two son, of which one was in politics and very clever while other was not that much. The former one became minister at very early age of his life. The man was very proud of his minister son and he was not that much caring for his other son. 
To be very frank, the man was looking at his son as the extension of his own will. So he was loving the minister in the son and not him. This is very fatal. Society loves someone of you, within you, from you but very few love 'you'! So this approach of all make everyone very competitive, always aiming for something, always want something. No one is happy with whatever he has, whatever he is.   
Trees are happy the way they are.I am not saying that we must stop our progress or leave everything and just sit.We also should try to do something….to raise our awareness, consciousness.To be totally in tune with life is I think the greatest achievement.
Have we ever thought that in the process of running behind achievement or some goal we are losing the very totality of life?For me, rather than running behind any future achievement,to be able to enjoy present without any worry is the real achievement. Because today we are never in one situation at a time. We think of tomorrow's worries while enjoying todays joy.
So it should be very clear that just becoming is not a big deal. One should enjoy the real bliss of life. If one just go on fetching the water by the container with hole, then at the top the container will be empty totally. So in this rat race of life, the real bliss is lost. Have the feel of it, enjoy it. It is the only authentic achievement.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Transperant Life.

              Our college boasts of many groups like 'Philosophy group', 'Debating group' and the list is endless. All these groups are really helpful for the overall development of all we students. 
               There are nearly 30 to 40 members in each group. To handle the group, a secretary is elected. Group members nominate candidates for the post and college faculty panel decides one of them for the secretary post. From last two years I am witnessing unnecessary politics for the post.
                But today I came across a very soothing experience. For the post of debating group secretary, me and one of my friend, both we were interested. All other members were expecting a huge quarrel between us. But we both of us showed very maturity and told that anyone of us will be fine for us.
                 I think this is the real politics! When anyone has real affinity for people and wish to work for them, for goodness of group, then it comes from inner mind known as 'atindriy' or 'atiman'. For such wishes, there will be the tint of attachment rather than feeling of selfishness. All the world I think today needs this type of politics. 
                  In fact life is a politics. But it must be like this. There must be very openness, transparency. Because, if there is no transparency, one cannot see beyond.  Three is no scope for improvement. So transparency is the very basic need. So life is nothing but transcending all things to transparent!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Indivisible Individuality.

                           There was a very huge and royal palace. There were so many slaves in the palace. But their master had gone out once for something. 
                            Unfortunately, he had been out for such a long time that slaves completely forgotten, that there was a master. Now, whenever someone passes by the palace...and it is such a beautiful palace that everyone wants to enquire   to whom it belongs. So any slave who happens to be on the door says" It belongs to me. I am the master". 
                           But another time, the same person passes by ; someone else is on the door , and he asks, " To whom does this palace belongs?" The slave on the door that time answers "It belongs to me. I am the master".
                         So the whole city is confused,"Who is the master?". Everyone says "I am the master"- every slave.
                         Man is just like a palace where there are so many slaves but the master - "self"; has gone out. Such is the condition of man. Every slave..every thought that passes by you becomes master for certain duration. Again some other thought attacks & conquers and becomes master! The real master is either asleep or gone for a long journey and has not come back and it has been so long...
                         This whole is totally 'crowd'... crowd of thoughts and nothing else. Thoughts are just like the waves on ocean. These waves are not the ocean as they come and die. The real, authentic ocean is still, very stable with not even a single disturbance. It is below these waves. So the "self" is not the is something more resourceful! 
                         Everyone calls himself as 'individual'! But meaning of this word-individual is 'indivisible'..very integrated!! But we exist in divisions. We are just a divided crowd and to unify it purification of mind is needed..

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Magic of Life.

                           A lot of research has been done on the “body”-human body, animal body, plant body. The body has two states. It is just like matter and energy, two states of same things! They are- vital body and physical body.
                           Now consider example of plants. The plant has two states of body-vital and physical. In case of their vital body, always some energy current is flowing.It is open and not closed or isolated.  It has been proved that, the plant is more alive sometimes and sometimes it is less. Nowadays even scientists have agreed that, if someone who love the plant is in their vicinity then they are more happy, more alive. This is because there is a flow..flow of energy..flow of love..flow of being! This flow is both sided as it is not mechanical!!!
                          When a gardener comes in the gardener, the whole garden is happy. This is not a poetry only, but now this can be detected with the machines also. The change in the plant can be detected nowadays.  Suppose you love the flower and you are near it , then you are not the same are something more. You become deeply related in a communion.
                          Similarly human body has also this vital state that can be purified,enriched with “sadhana”,austerity, pranayama. Many times we fill more energetic or more fulfilled, happy with a particular person. Even we do not discuss with that person physically, outwardly, his intimacy is more soothing for us. This is because of this flow of being,flow love! Sometimes even dead master or even certain place, the bodhi tree can also help. This is Satsanga Buddhist have tried to save “bodhi-vriksha” for more than twenty five centuries.  This is not just a superstition. That tree is not just a memorial. There are some subtle reasons behind it. That tree has absorbed something from Buddha. And noe the real buddhist  feel those vibrations in the vicinity of this tree.
          So make your vital body more pure…more clean…by breathing techniques, pranayama, sadhana or other and  feel the real bliss of life!!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Be conscious.

                            Many of the philosophers and masters used to talk about the consciousness of human mind! Consciousness in itself is nothing. One is conscious "about" something; so this about is important. Such consciousness is objective. We are conscious of something and if there is nothing then we are in sleep,coma. So this so called consciousness is nothing but the disturbance, tension! Something comes in front of you and you just awake due to that wave of disturbance. Once that wave goes away, again we are in sleep. 
                            Such object-oriented consciousness is lame. It will make you dumb in the absence of "anything". Gurdjieff used to say that man has no soul. He used to say that you have got no self, because self means self consciousness; otherwise, how can you be said to have a self? He says " try to remember yourself without any object, without any relation. Remember yourself as yourself, directly, simply!" 
                             Is that possible for us to remember ourselves without any relation with anyone, without any identity, without any name,address? Can we simply feel ourselves? Can you remember yourself? 
                             Is that possible? Really difficult! This clearly proves that ours kind of consciousness is lame. So one should become aware of oneself without being related to anything,anyone, without any identity! Try to feel directly yourself without any intermediate!!! That demands a lot of honest "Sadhana" and once it is possible, you are have known "yourself", the ultimate truth!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"Mind" It!

                             Mind is always the study topic for all the scientists and masters also. A lot of study has been done on mind but still there is a lot to be fathomed. 
                             It is said that there are mainly four states of mind!! They are- 
  • Waking
  • Dreaming
  • Sleeping
  • Turiya ( The Fourth )
                                      But to be more specific, out of these four, first three can be literally said as the 'states' of mind. The last one is not the state in fact! Because 'a state' can be changed but Turiya is nothing but your 'being', your 'nature' & how can the 'being' be changed?
                                       When you are awake, it is the state,shape of your's not your being. In this state of mind, one can have the masks on his 'real', as in this state, along with the mind his brain & thoughts are also working. They interrupt the 'honesty' of our own being.
                                        The second one-dreaming, is a significant state!! In this stage we are just observer. We cannot enter into the situation actually, we simply become helpless in the dreams. We are not doer here but just observer!! Because of this helplessness only, dreams become more real. more authentic and they show many things about the mind.
                                        Dreamless sleep is also a state of mind. It is also very necessary state as mind is relaxing in this state.
                                        The word 'Turiya' means nothing but " the fourth". This is not the state actually. Because you cannot change IT...but you are IT !!! It goes on in all the three states and transcends them all!!
                                       These all states are to be experienced and not just known!! Have their feel.. live them lively... they are not simply mechanical but they are full of bliss of liveliness...!!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Being nothing!

                       Everyone says 'I' want freedom, 'I' want to break all the bonds. But this is not possible as the very 'I' remains there. One cannot be 'bond-free' unless he/she becomes free from this 'I'!
                       We are always being taught that becoming free from everything is enlightenment. But this concept being 'free' is very wrongly perceived many times. Running away from this life, living in jungles, Himalayas is considered as the 'free' state. But unfortunately it is not!
                        We know that the petals of a lotus never become wet, even if they are in continuous contact with water. This is the same case! You have to be just like those petals. This is like 'inside everything but being nothing'!! That is the real way to be followed. Just leaving the lively life is not at all the way and if that were, why God would have given us such a wonderful life?  Running from the things is the indicative of  coward person.
                          A rainbow, with all the seven colours in it, is anytime more beautiful than any single colour! Same is the life! You cannot, rather should not escape from any aspect of life. Just go with the life and you will find the truth, that is just 'flow with the flow'!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


                  Just some days ago I was in Mumbai for some college reasons. There, I visited a church in Mahim. It was near about 5.30 in  morning when I went inside. It was a big church. First time in life I visited a church! It was really a pleasant experience.
                  The main hall was completely filled with crowd. Even after so much of the people there was an unexpected 'silence'- my most 'favorite' state. Everyone was sitting quietly in very simple, normal manner. There were no folded hands, bowing heads. Everyone was 'within himself'. Everyone was searching something inside. Many people were coming and departing but no one was caring because everyone was within!
                  That silence made me to think. Never before I had witnessed that level of silence. I think, that's the real way to follow. Silence is unreasonably needed for meditation. But it is not that one cannot be silent in the noise. Afterall silence comes from within! But to reach that stage, one has to meditate a lot which generally demands physical and outside silence! What impressed me about the church, is the simplicity followed by the people there. And I think simplicity is initial stage of silence! Silence is the fruit of simplicity. Simplicity should be properly nurtured so that it will lead to silence.
                  Every person is born in silence but he decides his death- to be or not to be in silence. So life is journey from silence to silence! The ultimatum of life is nothing but the silence. Thus to reach it, we have to just maintain silence throughout our journey so that we hardly deviate from the ultimatum! 
                  Yes, this path of silence is very hard to follow. But a will, real spark will make it!!! 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I am not rigid !

                         I am not rigid,
                         not lame also...

                        I am flowing...
                        yes, flow always flows

                       I am thinking,
                       not pretending...
                       I am alone,
                       unwilling to be loan...

                      I am simple,
                      yes, life is always simple...

                      I am travelling
                      on mine 'owns'...

                     I am not rigid,
                     not lame also...


Saturday, February 26, 2011

in love..still single..

                    The title of article is very strange, isn't it? When one person loves other normally we call them as couple and it is obvious. But really can one be single with love partner? Yes, one can!
                    The word couple itself indicates about existence of two different persons. But a very simple but genuine question here is "how the persons can remain 'two', 'different' being in love"? At the very moment we love someone from bottom of heart, existence of two different persons ceases. Those, loving each other become one!! The word love is very gentle and should be used with extreme care. 
                    We can have distinction between two, when there is mere attraction between them. But if there is love, they become one, though not physically but at the root of their 'self '. Love has that power to bring oneness.  Even when we say that I love myself, we should think whether we are really one with our own 'self '.  Many times people live with the mask of hypocrisy. They have no right to say that they love themselves. There can be no duality in love. 
                    One should learn the art of love. it can be the best solution to the world of fragmented minds!

Monday, February 7, 2011

philosophy and morality

                            If we look at philosophy and morality then both the things look very much similar. But there is a fundamental difference between these two concepts. Particular philosophy may or may not be moral enough, but being moral is a kind of philosophy.
                            For the smooth functioning of society, certain guidelines are created and those are generally termed as moral things. And as everyone knows that philosophy is simply your way, view towards life. So your view i.e. philosophy may or may not be moral form others point of view, but your philosophy should be non-harmful to others which is also another philosophy.
                            There was a mystic master who used to fly away with one of  chappals from a pair. So, many times he was caught by the police.Do you think he was being greedy? Not actually, but he was doing it with the intension of giving knowledge to the people inside the jail. What can be another intension in stealing only one chappal! So his way was immoral, but not the intensions!
                             So this is the basic difference between philosophy and morality. Infact to be a moral philosopher is the golden mid-way!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011


                            Whenever we come across anything new it is our natural tendency thatwe start thinking about it. The thought immediately strikes to our mind ' what may be this new thing?', ' how does it works?', ' what's its material?', ' what is it's use?' and the list is endless. Rather than observing it nicely we go on thinking about it. This makes ourselves less conscious.
                             I am not intending to say that don't think at all. But if you just think at the moment you see the things you cannot get the real sense about the particular thing. Ashtavakra is a well known saint of ancient times. In his 'mahageeta' he says " look, look and look.... just witness the things".  What he meant is to be just a witness of anything. If you observe the things very keenly then you can surely know each and everything about that and you can easily reproduce it.
                             Most of the animals just eat up the things without processing them. Afterwards they process the food eaten by them. That's the way to earn the knowledge. Just witness something..don't try to process the information immediately. Once you witnessed something perfectly, you would then surely have complete information of that. Then you can process it and convert it into the real knowledge. So just witness anything at the first moment! That's the real way to gain knowledge!


                              Yesterday I attended an awesome function. Dr.Gururaj Deshpande, an innovative entrepreneur and the richest Indian now settled in U.S.A ,was the chief guest for that. I was awarded for the social plans of mine in that function. It was really nice experience. 
                               He also had an interactive session with the audience there. Someone asked him to give any message to the youth. All were expecting very complex formula for life from him. But his answer was very interesting & I really appreciated him for that. He answered " life is simple..and live it in simple manner.. that's all!"
                               How true! We used to lead a very complex life nowadays. Everyone thinks that there is a certain complex formula for life. But in fact life is simply about the joy & pleasure that we get through small things. We have to just go for the things. More you make the things complex more they will be. Life is all about discovering pleasure from every action in the life. And here only we make mistake. Being happy is being live! Life is not mathematics to solve very complex sums... it is like the clean river -just traveling the path.. So life is simple! Live it simply!

Friday, February 4, 2011


                   Everyone of us loves someone at least once in the life. It is the wonderful feeling. It sounds really great knowing that one loves you too much. Many times this love is beyond the blood relations also. 
                   But today the word 'love' is treated in the bad sense. Loving someone is considered to be making a sin. In fact love is the very feeling on which an individual can survive. But our society & mentality of the people do not accept this fact.
                    A great philosopher says that " God always call the persons to himself which he likes. That means to the heaven!" Now we all are here on the earth which indicates that someone here loves us more than God!!!
The whole world is filled up with nothing but the love. In fact those who blame the love are feared of being hated from all. They are just escaping from the truth & hence blame the love as a sin.
                     Today it is the need of the time to teach everyone to love on the love. Once in life feel the real love. Love is not the thing to be done in dark. It is real chaitanya( energy) of life. So taste it's real taste. Once be the "true" LOVER of the LOVE!!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011


                    I am a good listener of Indian classical music. Though I am a very beginner about it's knowledge, most important is the pleasure and refreshment I get from that music! Because music is not the thing to know, rather it is to be experienced. Anubhuti of music is the main thing!
                     Yesterday I was listening to Hariharan, one of my favorite vocalist in this field. Between the song he mentioned the importance of silence for music. How true! In fact music and silence are complementary. There cannot be music without silence or the reverse. It is very important for the listener and the singer also to maitain that eternal silence. 
                       Silence is the real voice of soul. Many saints in past used to remain silent for long period and they really experienced the power of that. There is silence therapy developing recently. Fortunately India is already endowed with all this knowledge from very past. 
                        Today what we really miss is the silence. Nobody should be around is not the only requirement of being silent. It comes from within. One can really be silent at any place, any time.It is just like to be dry in full of water everywhere. The nature is silent at its own. So maintain the resonance between 
yourself and nature that's the way to experience 'that' divine silence!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


            His voice is unmatched...He is the legend...He is the God of Indian classical music... He is the unparallel vocalist of Indian classical.... Uncountable people forget everything while listening Him... Tears simply roll down while listening Him... He left everything at very early age for the love of singing... No puraskar or anything can justice Him... He is none other than BHIMSEN JOSHI JI!!!!
             In morning when I was about to take bath, my phone rings and friend there told me that PANDITJI passes away... I was shocked, speechless& coulden't move... That was shock not only for me but to whole of His lovers.
             In fact I had never experienced PANDITJI live but listened him lot from the very childhood of mine. My grandpa used to start his day with " tirth vitthal, kshetr vithhal" - PANDITJI'S very popular bhajana. So I along with him also started listening PANDITJI. His " mile soor mera tumhara" is like a boon to we all. To be honest I hardly know much about classical music. But when PANDITJI start singing , classical feels like your own rythmatic heart beats..something very close to your heart....
             I was just watching His video of ' Santa-vani'. He was singing with the eyes closed...and mine eyes were full of tears... He was searching something inside...Rather he was refining himself....
             SWARABHASKAR  BARATRATNA PANDIT BHIMSEN JOSHI was a divine personality... listening His voice is like being in paridise.. Though He is not in us today physically His voice will be with us forever... My sincere pranama to this PANDITJI !!!

Monday, January 24, 2011


         We in our engineering college have a club of some interested people named 'PHILOMYSTIC CLUB'. We meet each week and discuss our views. It is really a great experience to be part of it. Many of my friends used to ask me many questions like "what do you discuss there?", "what is philosophy exactly?" and the list is endless.
          What is philosophy? Is that something tangential? Is it something beyond understanding? The answer is firm "no". Till the date we had been told that philosophy is something for only saints or aged people. But it is really not that.
           Philosophy is nothing but your view towards anything!!! So it need not to be moral. Morality, spirituality and philosophy are completely different things.  Everyone of us is philosopher. Our view is our philosophy. Only difference between the we people and enlightened persons is that we are unaware of ourselves.
            What we want to do is simply to amplify our circles. We have to just enlarge our own views. That is we have to just become aware of ourselves! I always say that the new born babies are enlightened!!! But their    innocence, enlightenment comes from unawareness!! We wish it to be stemmed from awareness!!
            So this is what philosophy is simple and so mystic too...just awareness is needed...