Friday, December 17, 2010


               There was a session about KRISHNA in our college named 'KRISHNA- AS HE IS'. I was also one of the speakers in it. I expressed my views about KRISHNA as I interpreted Him.After the lecture many of the listeners asked "Is that a scientific approach to justify each & every activity of KRISHNA?"  A very good question in fact!
              But what is scientific approach? Viewing anything only for the purpose of finding shortcomings-is that scientific? The truth is anything viewed with the pre-judgement  is unscientific. There somethings which even science cant fathomed yet. The best example is 'love'..!! 
          Can science detect the love as it detects magnetism and all those things? Can it answer whether the person loves or not somebody? And the answer is firm no. But we know rather we can feel that there is something called 'love' in existence. But from the science point of view love is completely unscientific term!!
           Truth that even the great scientists like Einstein had agreed with is 'science can grasp only matter and there is certainly something beyond the grasp of science'. 
           So the solution to the query is to look at KRISHNA from the eyes of love and from the eyes of science. Because as soon as you look at Him from scientific point of view He cease to exist as KRISHNA. KRISHNA is a phenomenon, an event!!
           And this wordily science is very lame to define KRISHNA.Because He is something beyond science.
           So look at KRISHNA, as he is ...      

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Who are you? The most simple question ever! Really think a bit & try to answer yourself " who are you ?"
                              We all are totally distributed in the compartements of status, life-style, economical condition, caste, religion, race & all those bogus things the man himself had created for his own purposes. In all this choas we have lost ourselves, the real person within us!
                               Who are you ? The most common answers are "I am Indian", "I am american", "I am Hindu", "I am Muslim"..... and the list is endless. Who answeres "I am only 'I' and nothing else." We all are completely bound in all this in-vain game.
                                In fact love must be only thing which should bind all of the humanity. But we are bound by the religion, caste etc. Love is the ultimate thing that will dwell here after anything. It is the greatest bliss& boon to us. But unfortunately we are wasting our time in hating others. The Creator of this wonderful existence require nothing but "love" from his creations.
                                 But people go on offering unwanted things like floweres, gold ornaments, timely prayers. But there is hidden hatred & selfisheness in those people. They are offering the prayers only for themselves. They only want the show... real spirit is lost!
                                 So again " Who are you "? ........
                                  " I am only 'I' loving  this existence & flowing with the divine flow..."

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


                I live in the hostel in Pune. The hostel life is really wonderful and should be experienced at least once in the life! That's why i feel very sad for all my native friends as they can't experience the charming hostel life!

               When I was at home in my town my mother used to wake me up in the morning as if it was her daily duty. I am really  Kumbhakarna in sleep. Now here in hostel the duty is shifted to my room-mates! They really become very tired in the MISSION of "waking me up". This is I think, the Godly gift, boon for me.

                 How many of us can sleep without any fear, tension of tomorrow?  The sleep , I think for scheduled period is immensely important for inner consciousness of ours. I am not a doctor to dictate all these things but surely the calm sleep is very important from the philosophical point of view also.

                  In the old days all the Saints used to have the meditations for hours together. They used to have all those YOGAS. This was the spirit indeed for them. In this hectic world many us are suffering from the pains of sleepless nights. So the sound of within subconscious cannot reach to them during their working ours. This harms a lot to mental health. 

                   Do you think that all those Saints were having no problems & they were leading very comfortable life? Answer is confirm no. But they were just flowing with the divine. They were allowing the things to happen and were not making any obstruction in this divine flow. They knew that " the existence takes care of everything". Einstein used to say that because of the calm sleep he was having, he can do the things with double energy in the next day.

                    So I will say that have calm sleep forgetting all the tensions because there is nothing like tension in the life. Just watch all these things as if some third person is performing them.... It gives a lot of enjoyment.... This whole race in the life is in vain.... Everyone has to stop at the signals.... 

                    Enjoy the sleep... It is a kind of SAMADHI!!!   

Saturday, November 20, 2010


         I asked a simple question to a kid "What do you want in the life?"
        He answered very quickly " I WANT THE TOTAL JOY IN LIFE."
                    Does the kid's answer is all of ours also? Throughout the life we are running behind this joy ... but the effort is in vain...In fact everybody wants joy in his life. But running behind it is not the way.In reality there is nothing called joy.Because the thing which is joy giving to one can be totally boring to others. Thus joy is the relative thing . You can say a particular thing as joy but I will not. So there is conflict between these terms like joy, happiness and all those.
                      My question is "why we are so eager to have such short-lasting things?" What is ultimate feeling is "SATISFACTION". I am not at all willing to say that don't enjoy small moments like parties, b'days etc. 
                       What I want to convey is that have the everlasting feelings of anything that is have the complete Satisfaction. Your joy should not end up with its reasons. Don't be that much relative. Everybody is fully filled with lot of pleasure, satisfaction& joy also!! 
                       But everytime we require reason to bring this joy outside. So we are leading relative life. "The everlasting joy is satisfaction", this may be the partial definition of satisfaction.
                        I will say " ANYTHING BEYOND EVERY THING IS SATISFACTION". It simply means that satisfaction comes out of nothing. It is the natural response of the soul to the nature-existence.
                        So don't find the reasons for celebrations. The life itself is a great celebration! Enjoy it... drink it totally... accept everything, accept the totality of the life...
                        Travel beyond... FROM NOWHERE TO NOWHERE...
sun....the ultimate hope

Everyday The Sun comes and bring full of light,full of enthusiasm and new hope to every individual on the whole of this planet-EARTH. Who is not excited by seeing such a great,shining Sun? I think God created The Sun to reach every soul on Earth easily.That's why many of us bow and pray to this warm & sparking Sun in the early morning.

It is really great pleasure to experience the arrival of this God-Sun! But to the surprise the departure of Sun is also very freshness giving and charming! It is the fantastic event in the nature where not only arrival but the departure is also that much happy, pleasure giving & exciting also! It is really hard to guess whether The Sun is rising or it is departing from Earth from any of the pictures of The Sun, even drawn by well experienced artist! This is because the colour of The Sun while arriving & departing is same, constant...

Is it a very simple phenomenon happening daily? No certainle not...!! Everything in the nature has meaning-hidden meaning... it is self explanatory...!What does this phenomenon teaches us?

Many times in our life we get something which is really pleasing. But due to say misfotune we loose it! Politicians may have to give up their posts ,chairs. Thus many of us are highly depressed,frustrated due lack of that "something". It means that we are involved in the things to such a extent that we may leave this whole game if we loose THE THING.

So our colour of behaviour changes due to many such small small things. But The Sun remains as it is anytime...Sun retains its sparking,shine & colour any time...whether it is honour of arrival or it it is departure!

That is at that particular moment ,when one has to leave everything even the great personalities, philosophers are shaken! It is really hard to play the game but remain isolated from the score-board!

Life is like a onion...many layers above but nothing is empty,totally empty..but full of bliss also..


Tuesday, November 16, 2010



student of engineering....

something has started within...

left the usual game...started the new one

... which has no way no path...

because it is pathless land...

now awaking....just require the real spark..

waiting for that moment...

life is empty... but full of bliss also...

enjoying this bliss....

travelling from NOWHERE TO NOWHERE...